Hello! I’m Sanchi Arora, an illustrator with a passion for creating work that coveys deep emotions, with focus on themes empathy, kindness, love and occasionally, a touch of humour.

I hold a Master’s degree in Illustration from Nottingham Trent University, and my work has been featured in esteemed publications like The Indian Periodical. Recently, I was also fortunate enough to win the NUH art competition.

Whether it’s, a children’s book, a greeting card, an editorial piece or any other project, my goal always is to evoke powerful emotions in the viewer, ensuring they connect deeply with story or message being told. I’m constantly drawn to projects that embrace emotions and tell stories of humanity at its best. I believe that art is an opportunity to connect deeply; and with all authenticity, that’s exactly what I aim to do with every project I take on.

Outside of work, I love spending time reading books, writing and occasionally performing poetry. My short story also made it to the winners’ anthology of the Red Post Box Creative Writing Competition.

Currently based in Nottingham UK, I’m working on a silent book—an independent project that tells its entire story through illustrations, with no words and is aimed to help children who experience loneliness.